Building Inspections
Bergeron Technical takes their inspection projects more seriously than most. First, we’ll generally say we don’t do “home inspections” and what we mean by that is we almost always will pass the typical pre-sale home inspections off to one of our friends that do that work regularly. That said, we have for example inspected The Wentworth Castle in Jackson, N.H. as a pre-sale inspection, but we did that only because the opportunity to inspect a real castle doesn’t happen too often! We prefer, and do our best work when inspecting commercial, institutional and industrial properties. Ask us to inspect your nursing home, office building, retail store or manufacturing facility and you’ll get an overall inspection that far exceeds what you can get from any other inspection consultant as our inspection will tell you about the condition of the structure but also of its systems and any building and/or fire code concerns that we would have noted.
Brown Church
The Conway Village Congregational Church, or the Brown Church as it is better known, has been fully inspected from foundation to steeple roof by Bergeron Technical Services. The inspection was performed to best position the Church for design of future renovation projects and to ensure all deficiencies are addressed.
Wolfeboro Freight House
The Wolfeboro Freight House was inspected for the Town of Wolfeboro prior to being converted into the Lakes Region Model Railroad Museum. The building was inspected for structural conditions, electrical system conditions and lead paint.

Cranmore Woods Condominiums
Bergeron Technical Services prides themselves on their ability to work with large groups, including homeowners’ associations. Many local condominium associations have requested Bergeron Technical Services’ assistance to determine the condition of their shared buildings, performing specific inspections of areas or systems such as siding, roofs, windows, deck and porch conditions or HVAC equipment. Bergeron Technical Services performed inspections of the siding, roofing, and skylights for the Cranmore Woods Condominium Association.
Residential Inspection
This lakeside home was inspected by Bergeron Technical Services after construction was completed and the homeowners felt that the work was not done to appropriate standards. Bergeron Technical did a thorough inspection of the home, particularly the areas where the owners felt the work was incomplete or unsafe. After the inspection was complete, Bergeron Technical assisted in advocating on the client’s behalf in all matters that followed.
Glen Baptist Church
Bergeron Technical Services inspected the steeple at the Glen Baptist Church at the interior and exterior to help identify areas of damage, deterioration, or rot.