Land Surveying
Do you know where your boundary lines are?
An accurate survey is the basis for site design, site development and permitting projects. Having the boundaries of your property clearly defined and the existing site features detailed provides valuable information that can be useful for an array of reasons. Good information facilitates good design, provides information for potential buyers and municipal officials and can provide you with peace of mind. Every survey includes thorough deed and records research to discover any restrictions, covenants or easements that your property may be subject to.
Why you may require a Land Survey –
- Construction – site development or building construction.
- Boundary Line Adjustments – relocating boundary lines between adjacent parcels.
- Boundary Line Disputes – sometimes neighbors just cannot agree where the lines are.
- Planned Unit Developments (PUDs) – developing multiple units on one parcel.
- Wetland Mapping – knowing where jurisdictional wetlands are can be very important.
- Topography – the “ups and downs” of a parcel. Is it steep, flat or gently sloped?
- Septic Systems – everyone’s flush needs to go somewhere.
- Shoreland Permitting – protecting our shorelands from inappropriate development.
- Subdivision – dividing up a property into various ownership areas.
- Site Plans – For permitting new, expanded, or altered sites
- To obtain Title Insurance – insurance companies like to know exactly what they are insuring.
We are also available to provide:
- Legal descriptions from our surveys
- Land Records Research
- Expert Witness Testimony
Bergeron Technical Services’ Land Survey Department can assist no matter the reason you require a land survey. Please contact us today to discuss your survey needs!
Servicing the NH Towns of: Albany, Bartlett, Chatham, Conway, Eaton, Effingham, Freedom, Hart’s Location, Jackson, Madison, Moultonborough, Ossipee, Sandwich, and Tamworth.
We will travel beyond our typical service area (30 miles from our office in Conway) for specific projects based on size or unique interest. Please call the office if you have a large and/or a unique survey project.